Thursday, June 19, 2008
What's The Best Wrinkle Cream?
Wrinkle is the sign of aging. How do we fight wrinkles? The best way to fight wrinkles is by living a healthy lifestyle. Without a healthy lifestyle, no matter how many types of anti wrinkle creams you use, it is useless. A bad lifestyle will lower the effectiveness of anti wrinkle cream thus making it doesn't work for you. What is a healthy lifestyle? Healthy lifestyle means no smoking, no drinking alcohol but drink a lot of water, sleep enough hours, eat accordingly to time and exercise. With a healthy lifestyle and the right anti wrinkle cream the road to a more youthful and vibrant look is wider. Now we can talk about the best anti wrinkle cream that is most effective.
There are many types of anti wrinkles cream in the market. It is never easy to determine the best anti wrinkle cream in the market as there are simply too many of them. There are many ways to find out which is the best anti wrinkle product. One is by having a scientific research on the products. However, often the results are not so accurate. There might be many different types of test subjects with many different features thus affect the results directly. However, the most trustable way is by letting the users of the anti wrinkle creams to give feedbacks about what they think about the products they use. This is because only the user knows whether the product suitable for her or not.
Another way is by checking the hot selling anti wrinkle product. The hottest and fast selling anti wrinkle product indicates that the product is very popular. Why is it popular? It must be because it works excellently and thus people are rushing to get it. There are a few products that are really fast selling. Such products with high popularity means there is a high demand for the product. Besides, products which are really effective and useful would have attracted many people and people who like it would eventually introduce the product to other friends or families.
Right now, the hottest product in the market is "Hope in a Jar". There are many people claim that this product is really useful and effective in protecting the skin with SPF and at the same time makes the skin look radiant, tight and smooth. Another top selling product is "MD Formulations Vit-A-Plus Night Recovery". It is able to decrease fine lines, reduce the wrinkles and tighten the skin. It is definitely a great product with great effectiveness. The third popular product would be "Cellex-C Eye Contour Cream Plus." This product has an ingredient known as Lycopene. It is an antioxidant and we all know that antioxidant can help to slow down the aging process.
So there you have it, the products that are top selling, fast selling, popular and top ranking for their effectiveness in preventing the signs of aging. However, if you are going to spend so much on the products, you might as well want to live a healthy life that will ensure that the products even work better and more effective. Otherwise, you are just wasting your money and time on something you are not working to make sure it really works for you.
For more information about wrinkle creams and anti aging products in the market, please visit / to learn how anti wrinkle cream works and rate the wrinkle creams.
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Wednesday, June 18, 2008
How to Look and Feel Younger with Anti-aging Foods
It is surprising that we live in a world where youth and beauty are valued more than wisdom and intelligence. People spend more time and money searching for the fountain of youth by buying every anti-aging pill and potion they can find, when the real answer can be found easily in the grocery store.
By keeping your body healthy with the proper nutrition and exercise you can have the youthful looks and beauty that you are seeking. By watching your intake of saturated fats and calories and eating more fresh fruits and vegetables you will be on the road to a healthy body. If you are truly interested in anti-aging foods then you should also east less sugar, salt and white flour.
A wonderful source of vitamin E is the avocado. It is also a good source of vegetable fat that helps to reduce the level bad cholesterol and it helps in maintaining healthy skin.
Flavonoids are powerful antioxidants that can be found in berries. Favonoids actually work to protect the body from damage caused by free radicals. Even though all berries are good the best are blueberries, blackberries and raspberries.
Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, kale, cauliflower, watercress and radishes are great anti-aging foods. They help your body fight toxin build up in the body and cancer. For the enzymes that to do their work they need to be undamaged so the best way to eat these vegetable is either raw or very lightly cooked.
A clove a day keeps the doctor away. Garlic is a wonderful anti-aging food. It helps to fight again cancer and heart disease and the best way to have it is raw or cooked as a part of your food.
You have probably seen garlic pills in the vitamin section of the store, however the real thing is much better than the copy in pill form. In an Iowa study it was found that women between the age of 55 and 69 who ate a clove of garlic at least once a week were 50% less likely to develop colon cancer. In India it was found that garlic helps to thin the blood and lower cholesterol.
For aches, pains and stiff joints try ginger. It is a spicy root that is used in a number of Asian dishes. Ginger also helps with your digestion and circulatory system.
Nuts are a helpful in lowering cholesterol and fantastic source of minerals and high in vegetable fat. Raw almonds are a good source of vegetable protein and walnuts are full of copper, iron, magnesium, potassium, selenium and zinc.
Beta-carotene is a strong antioxidant that fights many diseases such as cancer and aging. Carrots are high in beta-carotene and studies show that people who eat carrots on a day-to-day basis are at less risk to a number of cancers.
Another fact is that carrots are indeed good for your vision and do help to protect your eyes from diseases related to the aging process. You get the best results from drinking fresh made carrot juice or eating raw carrots. Add them to your salad for added sweet flavor.
Brown rice, raw seeds, wheatgrass juice, leafy green vegetables, lentils and sprouts are all foods that help to fight the aging process, Each have different nutrients that your body needs in order to stay healthy, renew strong youthful cells.
You should also make sure to drink plenty of water and get the proper amount of rest. By drinking water you are keeping your cells hydrated and giving them the minerals they need and in order to renew on a daily basis sleep in a major requirement.
Grab lots of health tips about health-related issues such as living with diabetes, natural treatments for asthma, how to stay healthy, and more, at .
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Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Anti Aging Skin Care
Vanity plays a large part in the use of popular anti-ageing skin care products and treatments; there is nothing wrong with wanting to continue looking young as you get older, in fact it is quite a healthy aim. Skin is important so a great deal of effort goes into the preparation of beauty products especially those that increase the production of collagen, which is the primary protein in skin; collagen makes up approximately 25 percent of the total protein in the skin. This category of skin products is in fact related to another group of everyday products that help reduce the signs of aging; called antioxidants, they help flush out toxins from the body and help reduce the signs of aging.
One of the best known anti-oxidants is vitamin C and despite continual research, no-one body involved can decide just exactly how much our body should consume on a daily basis. The main problem when using any skin care treatments which use vitamin C is that oxidization can occur as soon as they have contact with the air.
Other skin care treatments which mimic the effects of vitamin C are being tried all the time which are hoped to be more stable in the atmosphere and also cheaper to produce. These new anti-oxidant products are not quite as good as vitamin C although other naturally occurring compounds, vitamin E and lipoic acid can achieve the same effect.
Vitamin E is a fat-soluble antioxidant and is found in human blood, it helps build resistance against infection like cancer. Lipoic acid which is found inside every cell of the body helps generate the energy that keeps us alive and functioning. It is known to combat the signs of ageing very effectively by reversing skin damage caused by the ageing process.
Phytochemicals form the other category of anti-ageing skin care products which are special chemicals that are extracted from plants with a variety of that are used in skin care today. Another benefit, like that of alpha-lipoic acid, is their ability to reduce the prevalence of certain cancers like prostate, colon and breast cancer.
Other vitamins from the B group are also used in anti-ageing skin care like vitamins B5, B6 and B12 for example. Although the area of anti-ageing skin care products is huge, more is being learnt about the whole ageing process and about natural products that can reduce the effects it has on our bodies as well as our skin.
Whilst a great deal has been learned about this subject, it is only the tip of the iceberg and more long term effective methods need to be discovered to reverse or slow down the effects of time. In time it is hoped that less expensive and more reliable anti-ageing skin care products will become available for a larger number of people to use.
However, man-made skin care regimes should be used only as a supplement; they cannot replace natural skin care remedies. Natural methods are known, but few people actually follow them; what proportion of the population actually eats healthily, takes plenty of exercise, drink sufficient water and obtain restful and regular sleep?
About The Author: Suzie is owner of the best skin care products site online where you get a variety of skin care products. Range include skincare products for acne skin, anti-wrinkle, antiaging skin, and more at low prices. Visit now for the best anti wrinkle skin care products store online.
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Thursday, May 29, 2008
Skin Care For Anti Aging - What You Can Do
By Nicholas Hurd
Aging is a process that is natural for everyone; however, if people take care of their skin before they get wrinkles, they can help to avoid dealing with some of these visible signs of aging. You should definitely add anti aging skin care to your routine on a daily basis. Skin that is healthy can also help you make sure that your entire health is much better as well.
You should learn about the different types of aging, and how they can affect you and your skin to get started with anti aging skin care. Internal aging actually begins when you are in your mid twenties. This aging, known as intrinsic aging actually refers to the slowing down of all the bodily functions that just occurs naturally. Of course how this process occurs and when the signs of aging actually show up is usually related to your genetics. However, you can't really do much about this type of aging.
Another type of aging is called extrinsic aging, and it refers to the type of aging that is a result of external factors, which often we can control and eliminate. One of the main external factors that can contribute to the aging of the skin is excessive exposure to the ultraviolet rays that come from the sun or even a tanning bed. You can limit that time that you are out in the sun and make sure to wear sunscreen at all times, which will help you avoid dealing with this type of skin damage that leads to premature aging.
Of course eating right can also help you out with skin care for anti aging as well. There are a variety of foods that have essential nutrients that help keep your skin healthy. Tomatoes are great, since they contain lycopene, which helps to prevent wrinkles and also helps to prevent various types of cancer as well. Many dark orange and red vegetables have great vitamins and antioxidants in them as well, such as carrots, and even beets. Even red peppers are great for you, since they have Vitamin E, Vitamin A, and bioflavonoids, which help with natural moisturizing and the healing of your skin.
Water is very important as well if you want to keep your skin healthy and looking great. You should make sure to get your eight glasses of water each day to keep your body healthy and your skin well moisturized.
People who smoke should stop smoking right away. Those who start smoking in their twenties can already start to show signs of aging. This occurs because the nicotine can cause there to be inadequate amounts of oxygen in the blood, which means that your skin will not need the oxygen that it needs. After not smoking for about ten minutes, the oxygen in the blood goes back to normal, so you should definitely quite a soon as you can.
These are a few great tips that will help you to keep your skin looking great. Use them for your own anti aging skin care and you'll find that you are better equipped to prevent those wrinkles.
Nick Hurd writes about aging and baby boomer generation and how to not only cope with the changes, but live a very healthy and active life. information for baby boomers and beyond. More information about skin care and wrinkles is available at Taking care of your skin in the sun.
You'll also find other health related information like Diabetes information.
copyright 2008 Nicholas Hurd all rights reserved
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Anti-Aging: Weight Loss Is a Life-or-Death Decision for an Obese, Aging Nation
Did you know that half of all Americans are considered overweight, and fully a third -- men, women and children -- are clinically obese? This means that there’s a high likelihood that you have a weight problem, and you're at or beyond middle age, you really need to get serious about a weight loss program.
The reason older people need to get a handle on their weight and get rid of those love-handles is the connection between advancing age, excess poundage and degenerative diseases. With each soda, smoothie or coffee concoction you gulp down, the likelihood of developing diabetes or something even worse goes up.
Obesity is at the top of the list of health problems facing America today, contributing to more than 300,000 deaths a year, and nearly $150 billion a year in medical expenses and lost productivity due to cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, arthritis and a dozen other conditions either caused by or made worse by insatiable appetites for sweet and fattening foods. We have super-sized almost the entire nation.
The problem gets worse as you get older, because the damage to your body from sugar and high caloric intake increases exponentially with each decade. If you are overweight -- even a little -- avoiding sugary and fatty foods in any amount is the mandatory first step in a weight loss program. But even if you're not overweight, avoiding sweet and fattening food should be part of every anti-aging diet. Sugars and cooked fats also help bring about all those disease conditions when you're at your normal weight too, and they also contribute to the skin problems that make you look older than you ought to.
For example, did you know that just one regular 12-oz soda contains nine (that’s 9) of those little sugar packets they give you in coffee shops? That’s at least 150 calories. And speaking of coffee shops, those delicious blended coffee drinks -- not counting the whipped cream -- can run anywhere from 250 to 500 calories. We should be running on maybe 1200 to 2000 calories a day max, and just one of those coffee drinks supplants a quarter of it. After that, there’s not much caloric space left for the salad, veggies, skinless chicken breast and fruit dessert that you actually need in a healthy weight loss program. Here are a few ideas for a weight loss program that works:
• Don’t shop on impulse. Make a list and stick to it.
• Get rid of the sodas and stop dropping in to your local coffee house. Invest in a good juicer and make your own veggie, and occasional, fruit drinks. Raw veggie juice is not fattening, and is incredibly good for you, especially the green veggies. Carrots are hi-carb, and so is fruit, so go easy on them.
• Knock off the sweet or fatty snacks, and top up instead with hi-fiber snacks such as fruit, veggies or a low-cal, hi-fiber snack bar. Eat as much raw veggies as you can whenever you want.
• Never use salad dressing unless you dilute it by 50% with vinegar or lemon juice. It tastes just as good and has half the oil. If you’re out, ask for your dressing on the side with lots of lemon slices.
• Alcohol is fattening. Just avoid it, period. It lowers blood sugar and makes you hungry. Alcohol has no useful place in a weight-loss program.
• A full meal should be half raw or steamed veggies, a quarter protein and a quarter starch, and everything low-fat. If you must have a dessert, have a small portion of fruit.
• Add some natural weight-loss supplements to your diet, such as tonalin CLA and chromium picolinate. Weight loss supplements help curb your appetite and block absorption or formation of fat.
• Exercise, exercise, exercise. It doesn’t matter how much or how little, just do it -- as much as you comfortably can. Walks are the best if you have a choice -- just a mile burns 100 calories. And if you can get out, exercise in a park or in the country. [Editor's Note: see Exercise Outdoors to Beat Stress and Depression]
• If you’ve got the bucks, for goodness sakes, hire an experienced personal trainer and do exactly what he says. One with successful experience working with people in your age group is the best.
• Tell your physician, trainer, physiotherapist or any pro in the field that you’re going on a weight loss and exercise program, and you want some help setting realistic goals. How much weight can you lose, and in what period of time? Make these your goals, and try to attain them.
A good anti-aging weight loss program will extend both your life and the quality of that life.
Author, Rod MacTaggart, contributes articles on anti-aging and health for Feel Good For Life. More information on these and other topics can be found at
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Friday, April 25, 2008
Facial Massage - The Painless Way To Fight Wrinkles
Of the original seven deadly sins, Christians consider pride (or vanity) to be the most serious. It is the cardinal of cardinal sins, and gives rise to the other six. These days, the seven deadly sins have fallen largely by the wayside, considered more as cautionary guidelines, if they're considered at all. This is good news for the entire population of Earth, because there are very few of us who don't indulge in a daily spot of vanity.
The truth is that vanity makes for very good business. One needs only to look at the booming cosmetics industry, alongside the outrageous wealth and celebrity of cosmetic surgeons, for proof. We are willing to go to any lengths, even to the point of injecting paralysing toxins into our faces, to maintain our fresh, vibrant, and above all, youthful beauty.
When we think of the Chinese people, one of the first associations that springs to mind is their Zen philosophy, which helps them face life with calm acceptance. Even they are not above vanity, however. They have been fighting the signs of aging for thousands of years and so, understandably, their weapons are more refined.
They make use of the subtle manipulations of their hands to relax muscles and increase circulation. Facial massage has long played an important role in a Chinese beauty regime. But it is only now being touted across the Western world as a "miracle" cure to fight wrinkles and restore vitality to tired and aging skin.
There are many things that contribute to wrinkles and puffy or sagging skin. Your genes play an important role, but so does lifestyle. Sedentary ways of life, bad eating habits, shallow breathing and exposure to pollution all take their toll on skin tone. Facial massage improves blood flow and reduces lymph build-up, which results in enhanced skin tone and creates a healthy glow.
Over time our skin loses its elasticity and suppleness, the facial expressions that we most often use become etched onto our faces, and so we get frown lines, laugh lines and lines along our lips. Facial massage gently loosens up the muscles so that they slide back into place more quickly after being tensed into an expression. Regular facial massages relax your skin to such a degree that you look younger, less tense and flushed with good health.
One of the reasons that facial massage has been so slow to take off in the West is that we've held onto the belief that the tissue in our face is too delicate to be manhandled. We now know that so long as treatment is gentle, it can be extremely beneficial to our skin. Not only do we see the benefits of increased circulation and lymph drainage, but our skin's ability to absorb important ingredients in the creams and oils that we use is also greatly enhanced.
Like botox, facial massage requires regular treatments for results to be sustained. So while it may not be as permanent as cosmetic surgery, it is less invasive and offers the chance of beauty by way of pampering. One of the nice things about living in today's global village is that East meets West, which results in more choice for consumers. So if you want to ease your way into cosmetic surgery, facial massage is a good way to start.
Go to to find out more about facial massage to suit your skin type. Recommended site:
Sandra wrote this article for the online marketers MediClinic modern, private medical service provider a modern private medical centre offering a range of services from health screens to psychiatric services to cosmetic procedures.
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Sunday, April 20, 2008
Combining Diet And Moisturizer Can Help You Look Younger
You are what you eat, goes the old saying. You are also what you drink and what you breathe. In the battle against aging skin, it's vitally important to pay attention to what goes into your body. Toxins, dehydration and pollutants are all factors that play a part in making your skin look older.
In addition to modifying your habits, using a good anti-aging, anti-wrinkle product can help.
Free radicals contribute to the signs of aging on the skin. These are tiny unstable molecules that arise naturally and that kill healthy cells. They cause wrinkles and lack of elasticity in the skin. The production of these small but nasty molecules is accelerated by environmental factors such as pollution, chemicals, and exposure to cigarette smoke.
The best way to battle the effects of free radicals is to eat a diet rich in antioxidants. These are found in a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. Anti-oxidants are also key ingredients in anti-aging products. Look for a skin care product that boasts an unusually high percentage of antioxidants.
Good nutrition is tremendously important in the quest for younger-looking skin. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables and low in chemical additives leads to greater overall health, which is reflected in the skin. If your diet is inadequate, the addition of supplements and vitamins will help to keep your skin healthy, making it appear younger.
Avoiding pollutants such as cigarette smoke is vitally important to skin. Toxins in smoke and pollution age the skin, producing fine lines and a blotchy complexion.
For years, healthcare professionals have been encouraging us all to drink enough water. Eight 8-ounce glasses, or three to four pints, is considered an adequate amount for the average adult. It is especially important to replace fluids if you are drinking caffeinated or alcoholic beverages, both of which are dehydrating.
How does your water intake affect your skin? First, it cleanses. Water removes toxins from our bodies. Next, it hydrates. Moisturized skin has fewer fine lines and is firmer. Your cells are made mostly of water, and need it to stay plump and healthy.
Using a high-quality moisturizer is another necessary step in keeping your skin hydrated. Skin that is exposed to sun and other elements is depleted and dehydrated. A good cream locks in moisture, aiding in the disappearance of fine lines and sagging.
So when you eat right and take steps to feed your skin the right nutrients you can slow the effects of aging both inside and out.
Make sure your skin cream has a high concentration of anti-aging anti-oxidants.
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Friday, April 11, 2008
Anti Aging Methods
By Chess McDoogle
There are legitimate and genuine methods for anti aging. One will not only feel younger, but look much, much younger. Reversing the aging process has different methods, here are three of the strongest:
1. Exercising properly.
This may seem rather obvious, but it's effect is so great that it has to be mentioned first. Everyone knows someone who has said: "After I started to exercise, I feel so much better...more energy, more vitality, and mentally I'm much more positive." With so many positive benefits for exercise you really should make it a staple of your anti aging regimen.
Exercise need only consist of getting your heart rate up for a continuous 30 minutes or longer. This can be done through walking, biking, light jogging, or other forms of cardiovascular exercise.
2. Build your muscle.
Now, you don't have to get bulky and big when it comes to building your muscle. You likely will not even come close to the bodybuilder look. What you will achieve is a stronger body, a firmer body, a more leaner body, and a body that can function the same or better than when you were much, much younger.
Building muscle makes so much sense, as we enter later years and need to be strong and fit in order to maintain or increase our life activity. Look into building muscle through weight lifting or natural bodyweight exercises like push ups, pull ups, and dips.
3. Raw Vegetables.
This is huge, and usually the most under mentioned anti aging method you can do to reverse the aging process. Raw vegetables have amazing ingredients and properties which are absolutely ideal for anti aging. Unfortunately, cooking your veges tend to "cook out" most of these great qualities, so it's important to get some of your vegetables in the raw form.
There are amazing anti aging books available which have raw vegetable recipes and list exactly what to eat for anti aging benefits.
Here is perhaps the best Anti Aging manual, which lists all the anti aging raw vegetables to eat -
This guide also serves as one of the most definitive anti aging regimen manuals around, covering virtually everything you need to know about reversing the aging process naturally. Check out
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The Reverse Aging and Fitness Revolution
There's nothing new about how Stress, Career, Poor Diet, and Environmental Factors are taxing our internal systems to the point that our biological clocks are revealing premature symptoms of advanced aging. Debilitating health issues and rising costs are no doubt leveraged on that fact alone. The Nutritional, Pharmaceutical, Alternative and Homeopathic industries have well within their right endeavored to respond to this challenge by dissecting the causes and throwing a bunch of Pills, Potions and mineral herb "fountains of youth" at the problem to see what would stick.
There are so many choices out there that by the time you address a few issues it's costing you an arm and a leg (sometimes literally). OK, let's consider the "but or what If" for a moment. Consider if you were 35 and were told by your doctor that if you didn't change your diet, lose weight, and change your habits, that you would not see your 40th birthday, what would you do? Such was the case of Jon Benson, author and publisher of "Fit Over 40". Obviously this was a wake up call for him, yet it launched him on a mission to reverse his life threatening condition. Needless to say, Jon's desperation and determination to find answers catapulted him in front of 52` 40-80yr. old ageless living role models. Many which were obese, diseased and drug abused. They revealed to him their secrets on how they overcame aging and disease and with their permission took the combined knowledge of the 52 and applied the principles of "Customizing" and "Modeling" that he learned from athletic and life coaches to create his own "Master Mind Model" that even had his mentors awe inspired. Within 12 months, he had totally reversed the damage he had done to his body and literally slashed at least 10-15 years off his biological age. One of his doctors didn't even recognize him.
Jon's story as well as these remarkable 40 and over ageless models are highlighted in his website. Jon also claims, "If you would like to discover the fastest and easiest way to lose weight and REVERSE the aging process in your body, then this will be the most important message you ever read in your life" He says that men and women of 30 years and older can enjoy: A thin lean waistline ~ Impressive muscularity ~ Higher levels of naturally-released growth hormone and testosterone ~ Remarkable energy and stamina ~ Increased mental alertness ~ A stronger heart ~ A powerful immune system ~ A better sex life ~ More ZEST for life! And much, much more.
The Anti-Aging and Fitness Revolution has just hit a new level and stride that perhaps will take us well into the 21st century to meet healths challenges with new invigorated sense of optimism. I just happen to be one of them. 53 years young, if you don't mind. I get compliments all the time. A witness to my vibrant "youthfulness" It has enhanced my career, family, social life and overall well being. And isn't that what were all looking for. Energy, Stamina and Mental Clarity to live a full-filled life. Nice thing is you certainly don't have to spend all your time and money in a gym, surgery, or health food store to get there.
ALLYourStrength LLC Promotes an easy to assimilate systematic program that will slash 15-20 years off your looks, boost your metabolism, gain muscle and lose all the weight you want naturally and safely. This simple lifestyle program is designed to Create an energy explosion, supercharge your metabolic engine, burn calories at an accelerated rate and make you feel young again.
It will also boost your immune system, armor plate your body defense system against flus, colds and viruses.
Moreover you will discover the single most important factor in anti aging, and how you can harness its power to make you more resistant to heart disease, diabetes, stroke, depression and arthritis, while at the same time making you leaner, stronger, and more muscular.
My suggestion to you is spend some time on the SECOND page of Jon's website, especially if your already fit and trim. If anything you will not find hype, but living breathing testimonies of his life and the lives of other's that will inspire you if nothing else. Otherwise, get ready to see and do for yourself what very few have been able to do. Go beyond your years living life to the Max!
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Saturday, March 22, 2008
What Are Free Radicals and their Implications Involving Anti-Aging Therapy?
Just what exactly are Free radicals and what do they do to our bodies?
Free radicals or oxidants are produced when cells in the body burn oxygen to produce energy. They are also caused internally by normal metabolism. So, what's so bad about them? It's their Chemical Instability, caused by one or more Free Electrons. A good analogy is that free radicals are a rogue band of angry little particles, roaming around in the body, desperately looking for homes. Because of needing to reattach themselves, they damage the healthy cells. Without getting too technical, Free radicals are unstable because they have one or more unpaired electrons. These rogue electrons, or radicals, are constantly looking to attach themselves by grabbing electrons of good cells, and thereby damaging good cells. You could liken the process to an old rusting car, as oxygen radicals reacting to the iron in the car.
Over time, our cells, being under attack, tend to oxidize, or rust, if you like, and the signs of aging such as wrinkled and sagging skin, graying hair,etc begin to appear. While these results are not aesthetically pleasing for many people, a similar process is occurring inside the body and affecting all body systems, leading to a variety of health problems. So, what can we do to slow the process?
By being aware of factors such as pollution, sunlight, x-rays, smoking and alcohol consumption contribute to the formation of free radicals, we can each take immediate small steps to begin reducing and, in some cases, reversing the effects. Furthermore, modern Western diets, the use of recreational drugs and prescription medicines also take their toll on health at a cellular level.
Antioxidants can help counteract the damage of good cells in the body caused by oxidation, neutralizing free radicals and help to prevent cell damage and therefore slow the symptoms of aging. Many of the so-called anti aging vitamins are antioxidants. Free radicals are always being produced in our bodies, so a continuous supply of antioxidants is needed to prevent cell damage. Here are some examples of foods are being identified as potent antioxidants: Acai berries, blueberries and chocolate are some of the best examples. Vitamins and minerals included in the antioxidant group include vitamins A, B-6, B-12, C, E, and selenium.
There are many valuable sources of information available, especially from nutritional and health professionals, magazines and websites. Just being aware of free radicals and antioxidants can be a tremendous first step in maintaining your overall good health.
I specialize in general interest short article content, especially for my own content sites. I love to write and I look forward to contributing many many more submissions, hoping people will find some useful or entertaining info -
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Botox Alternatives
The wrinkles that form around the eyes, known as "crows feet," can be caused by a whole host of hereditary and environmental factors, and can cause much consternation among women and perhaps even some men. Not only do these age one's face, but they can also cause an appearance of squinting!
Skin elasticity along with involuntary muscle contraction in the area can be hereditary factors. In addition, other hereditary factors that may contribute include eyesight issues, which cause squinting that leads to deepened "crows feet." Environmental factors, such as sun exposure also play a part. Sun exposure not only damages the skin itself, but the sun's rays also cause the squinting and eye area movements that contribute to these unsightly wrinkles.
Many women have tried many different products to "cure" this look and re-smooth the area. When Botox came on the scene, it was heralded as a great solution, as it tends to "freeze up" the muscles that are the cause of the issue.
However, there are several drawbacks to Botox which leave women searching for a better solution. For one, Botox is a chemical, and is not welcomed by many women in this age of healthy, pollutant-free living. Another issue is that Botox is injected. Lastly, there just seems something wrong with using a chemical agent to paralyze your muscles. Surely they function as they do for a reason!
This is why topical lotions and creams are much more sought after. Some of these products claim to work under the skin, while others deal with the problem right on the surface of the skin! For example, some tightening agents are applied directly to the under eye area, and then are left to dry. This drying action is where you start to see results. As the product dries, it pulls the wrinkles flat, leaving you with smoother, more youthful skin. Users will want to note that this pulling and smoothing motion is exactly what a doctor does in the process of facial surgery, such as a face lift: tightens the skin using a pulling motion.
The user advantages to these lotions, besides the simple improvement in looks and self-esteem, are numerous. For example, the products are often pleasant- smelling, luxurious, easy to use and cost effective. In addition, because they are applied directly on the surface, there are no injections, doctor visits, or follow up visits required!
Overall, the topical creams are so much more pleasant and bearable than the needles, pain, costs and office visits associated with surgical or injectable fixes, while still giving comparable results.
Laura Brighton is a freelance writer for a variety of publications dealing with botox alternatives and skin care issues.
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Thursday, March 20, 2008
Celebrate You!
I've arrived! It's been an interesting journey, albeit a bit bumpy and I'm amazed at how young it is! I'm celebrating a birthday this month. A number I used to think of as old. Actually, the older I get, the younger I feel. I was much older when I was younger. I love it! Confused yet?
I've been asked by an organization to teach a workshop about the abuse of older women as part of a training series. As a result, I've been thinking about aging and all the things that I have observed or experienced on my way to becoming wiser.
Ageism has been described by Robert Butler (the first director of the National Institute on Aging) as "the process of systematic stereotyping and discrimination against people simply because they are old." Like racism it disempowers those to whom it is aimed.
Gawd help you if you forget someone's name. Senility is just around the corner, or worse yet, dementia. Some of us never remembered names well to begin with. The perpetuation of this way of thinking may start with inappropriate terms of endearment.
I noticed that before I was 40 years old, nobody called me "dear". Once I was past 40 or 45, it was used with more frequency. I have never heard a man being called "dear" at any time. It's that power dynamic that still hangs around for women. The "little woman" syndrome you might say. It's so inbred that young women help to spread the stereotype as well. "How are you today dear?"
If you express yourself or complain about something, now you are grumpy. Oh and the big one is sex. You are not supposed to want or even like it when you get older. If you do not act like an older person, then you are thought to be in denial of what is. How ridiculous!
Have you noticed how some birthday cards do not celebrate becoming older, but are purveyors of negativity, implying that perhaps you are becoming less than what you really are. Ageism delivered to your very own door in the form of a birthday card. Oh goody!
I recently heard on the news that anti-aging lotion sales are up by five to ten percent. Of course advertisers, plastic surgeons, and paramedical estheticians have jumped on this bandwagon. It is implied that looking older is simply not desirable.
I checked out a website that is dedicated to "enhancements" of the human face and body. You can have botox treatments, laser treatments for hair and veins, cellulite treatments, peels, frown lines can be minimized, as can any fine line. Wrinkles can be dealt with, lips can be enhanced (why?) and jowls will be gone with the mere threading of a needle. You could have the big lip, stretched glossy skin, permanent deer-in-headlight look. Quick, book me in today!
I can remember back in the day, when Gloria Steinem celebrated her 50th birthday. People said to her "you don't look 50". Her response was "what does 50 look like?" So, ever since then its been insidious. This fixation we seem to have in our society that we are only as good as we look. I mean, really, what does any age "look" like?
I am tiring of the non stop barrage of the "you-are-not-good-enough" messages that seem to be a constant in many magazines. The irony lies with the fact that they are frequently found in women's magazines. Go figure. I want us to collectively look into the mirror and state that we are wonderful human beings just the way we are.
I am not saying there is anything wrong with wanting to look as good as you can. You can look good on the outside by exercising and treating your body with respect. But remember, your outsides are not nearly as important as your insides. Love who you are, the way you are.
Celebrate your birthdays, show respect to those who are older than you and remember, as Marianne Williamson says, "be who you are when you're there." Celebrate you!
And, uh, just as a reminder, I'm not your "dear". I'm Carole. Happy Birthday to me!!
Carole Fawcett is "The Happiness Coach" and provides stress management workshops, keynotes and laughter circles to business and individuals. For more information see Carole is a member of the Professional Writers Association of Canada, and the Professional Photographers Association of British Columbia. Carole believes that if you are not having fun on your journey through life then you need to make some changes.
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2 Types of Aging and What You Can Do To Have a More Youthful Appearance
There are two types of aging that both men and women have to deal with on an ongoing, daily basis....Actinic Aging and Intrinsic Aging. So, just what can we do to reduce fine lines and wrinkles?
Any chance you had, you'd go to the beach or to the lake... living worry free; it was heaven on earth! You looked so good with your deep, dark tan. If you couldn't go to the beach or to the lake, you spread out that king size sheet right in the front yard and slathered yourself with deep tanning oil. That tan you got sure made you feel and look good!
Even if you weren't a water girl, you were more than likely enamored with the way your skin looked when it was tan -- smoother, slimmer, sexier. Yep, worth every hour spent in the tanning bed or pool-side to get that golden color.
If we had only known better.
As we get older, we're cleaning up the mess we made. Our skin is not young and smooth anymore; we have uneven color, fine lines, large blemishes (otherwise known as age spots). How dare they! I like to think of those age spots as a souvenir from the good 'ole worry free days of my youth.
The pressing question now is, "Is it too late to love my skin again?" The answer is no. It's never too late to love your skin again! Sure, your part in the damage is irreparable, but so is living life. Our days click off without asking permission, and our skin begins to show that years have clicked away. What we need now are tools; products that help us repair what's been done and to offer protection from what's coming.
It is important that you have a good skin care product to help erase the signs of aging, and to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It is also equally important to give your body what it needs --water, vitamins, minerals, protein and carbs. Nutrition is very important to your overall health. The right combination of these essentials can help improve your health and how your skin looks.
Product developers are aware that skin nourishment can occur topically or internally, and that the two methods are so closely tied that you can't do one well without the other. If an unhealthy person uses the best skin care in the world and follows the instructions to the letter, then sure, they will see an improvement in their skin's appearance. They will be able to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. But it won't be enough for the skin to look its best. What you put inside your body is equally important as what you put on your skin.
If you have troubled skin, you need a supplement that supports the skin from the inside out with key ingredients like L-Lysine, zinc and vitamins A and B6. You should also drink plenty of water. Smokers should think about quitting.
Getting wiser is part of getting older. We know that laying in the tanning beds is not a great idea, and we also know that we don't have to have a tan to be beautiful. If we take care of our skin, from the inside out, we can be beautiful in any shade.
If we want our skin to be healthy we have to have a healthy body. You know, we are encased in our body's largest organ... our skin! To get rid of dry skin, drink plenty of water, eat your veggies and take vitamins... but not just any vitamins. You need to make sure that they contain ingredients that really work. Luminous skin can be yours again!
Before you buy anything online, make sure you check Lana Robinson's informative free report on anti-aging secrets and how to erase wrinkles at
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Sunday, March 16, 2008
Anti Aging - Looking and Feeling Young
How to take years off your age?
One of the most fundamental and basic methods for taking the years off one's age is to maintain a feeling of contentment within our own selves. We can do this by either emotional or physical methods, or even by a combination of both methods. Some of the more popular ways to accomplish the said include beauty treatments and cosmetic surgeries which may promise to take away the wrinkles and fat that come with age. Other more basic ways to secure a feeling of contentment with one's own self however are discussed below. So read on to see how you too can look and feel young again without expensive or painful cosmetic treatments.
On of the easiest ways to feel good about ourselves is to lift our own spirits and self esteem. We can do this by physical means of beautifying our bodies with manicures and pedicures and even hair and face treatments. These methods of beautifying oneself however are mainly the means of getting society to accept our looks before we can accept them ourselves.
Emotional and spiritual well being on the other hand lends its effects to maintaining a feeling of contentment with life that you would not be able to get from any other means, not even physical beauty. The person who is spiritually satisfied is one who is at peace with himself and herself, and thus the harmony within his or her own body maintains a stress-free environment and a carefree existence. This person is less burdened by life and with living and trying to fight the natural cause of nature, and therefore ages more naturally that most.
The person who ages with nature as opposed to against it ages gracefully and this in itself is a way of taking away the years from the face - the person who fights the aging process in effect harms his or her own body by stressing it out continually. Have you ever noticed in fact how young and youthful the woman who does yoga is? Or how springy an athlete's step is? So long as the mind is at peace, then one's attitude too would reflect this and thus one's 'aura' would be youthful and vibrant and energetic.
Even such spur of the moment treatments such as spa treatments and acupressure treatments are good at rejuvenating one's inner energy and releasing the inner peace within oneself. These are therefore good ways to feel good about oneself which would in turn bring out a youthful 'aura' about an individual which has the effect of taking years of the age (as opposed to stress which adds the age).
We can choose to feel good about ourselves through a number of different means, but whether we choose to accomplish this by physical or mental means is up to us. The outcome however remains the same irregardless of the method used so long as it is used positively.
David Yu writes about Anti Aging, Skin Care and Makeup for Tip4lady.
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Fear of Aging - You Still Have Choices
The fear of aging impacts all of us at some degree in our lives because ultimately it is what aging symbolizes that we are frightened of. We all acknowledge logically that we will perish or at least no longer be physically here however for most of us this fact is really difficult to wrap our minds around. Aging represents the predictable changes that will occur to the body and mind over the natural course of ones life. Most folks have a pessimistic perception of aging, and many to the degree it produces intense anxiety in their lives and undervalues the quality of their life. The specific changes that we fear from aging may include the passing of beauty, the loss of memory, the loss of limb function or the loss of bodily organs however they all really represent vitality and independence.
Our society centers heavily on our physical existence, and this is the one aspect that everyone agrees will inevitably die. Indeed, society helps to feed this anxiety toward ageing. As we age society seems to value and respect us less and less and this understandably contributes to the fear of aging. We are no longer of value in the labor pool. We are no longer able to protect ourselves and become vulnerable. We are no longer physically appealing. We are burdens on our loved ones. We loss our mental sharpness. We loss our ability to remain independent. We are hidden away by being put into homes so the rest of society does not have to be reminded that one day we will be in this very position and in fact it is inescapable.
Accordingly we feel powerless in this undesirable process. The cosmetic, fashion, skin care, hair care, and plastic surgery industries are cashing in on our anxiousness and dread of aging. In point of fact, they prey on our fears because after all it is in their economic interest to keep us in a state of fear or denial and buying their products and services in this vain believe that we will somehow ward off our impending death.There is nothing wrong with wanting to preserve our physical appearance as long as we can also accept the changes when they do occur.
All the same, there is additional than manners to look at aging. As a matter of fact, the word has many dis-confirming connotations that come along with it. According to Buddha, in order to stave off suffering and pain we must detach from our physical reality and perceive it only as a temporary illusion. By doing so we liberate ourselves from fear and suffering. We choose to experience the present moment and be thankful for the good and the bad of any situation, including the deterioration of the body.
Additionally, our engrossment with the passing of our youthfulness prevents us from receiving the changes and mystery the journey before us represents. Nonetheless, one can make a radical shifts in thinking or mind set toward embracing the gifts of aging. There are many events in our lives that we can not control or change however we do have the choice of how we are going to deal with each event. We can choose to live our lives or let our lives live us. Aging is just another stage of our journey with its own mysteries and learning possibilities, we choose what to do with these opportunities.
As we age we begin the realize the importance of friends and family and having meaningful relationships. This however is a double edged sword because we are faced with the reality of death as many of our peers and friends pass away in greater numbers and with more frequency. It is therefore important we cultivate our relationships even more, for friendship and support. There are many senior focused activities in our communities, these are a great resources and should not be overlooked.
Become mindful of your spirit and develop your spirituality (spirituality is not the same as religion) whether through prayer, meditation, or Yoga. We all need to feel the inner sense of our innate divinity. It is never to late to find out who you really are, look inwards to find the answers and do not allow society to dictate your value. Another option, volunteer, it is never to late to have an impact on someone else's life. It makes no difference whether your passion is to help people, animals or the planet, help is needed everywhere. Focus on living not aging.
Anti Aging tips and products to help you age gracefully and ensure you have the best quality life. Visit:
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Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Antiaging Solution - The Secret To Staying And Looking Young
Well it's official - the secret to looking and staying young is something we continually had drummed into us from the time we were kids. It's sleep and the truth is, most people don't get enough of it.
It's an antiaging solution which is rarely discussed. Well, not as a solution to slowing down the process of looking old.
Antiaging And Lack Of Sleep
Lack of sleep can affect people in several ways. For example, it can impact a person's facial features, their weight and believe it or not, it can also impact a person's lifespan.
Sleep has always been a fascination for scientists and research indicates it's more than just resting one's body and mind. In fact, that in itself can explain why it's surfacing as an antiaging solution.
The suggested sleep time a person should get is between 7-8 hours. Less can impact many facets of our existence. Here are just a few:
- Longevity and sleep are related according to research. Related in the fact that lack of sleep can affect a person's mood, blood pressure and their depressive state.
- Appearance can be affected by a lack of sleep. Sleep is known to be an important time for the body's repair mechanisms to spring into action. Slumber is a time when the body produces growth hormone to help repair tissue damage. It's also a time when our body cells benefit through the absorption of blood nutrients.
- Weight gain through lack of sleep is directly related to a slowing down of the metabolism. Combined with an increase in appetite, this is a dangerous combination.
- Sleep is a time when your brain is able to store away short term memories. The benefit of this is like a computer hard drive; it's then able to make room for more memories the following day. In fact, it's something like a de-fragmentation where the hard drive is reorganized into it's various compartments.
Does this mean you should get as much sleep as you can? Not necessarily. The truth is, simply be sensible. Taking short naps during any part of the day when appropriate makes good sense.
The most important point to remember though - get your 7-8 eight sleep a night. It could very well be the antiaging solution you've desperately searched for and the irony is, it's right under your nose.
Want more secrets in defying the aging process? Check these antiaging solutions and tips and become the envy of your family and friends! Find out why antiaging nutrition is so important to looking young.
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What Ages You And What keeps You Young?
You have the ability to be as old or as young as you would like to be. You have the power, the knowledge and the ability. And I was watching a television show today called BRAIN FITNESS. It is on Channel 13, and the show is giving an amazing narrative, documentary story about the brain and brain functions. After watching about thirty minutes of this show, my hunches were certainly clarified and confirmed. The more you use your brain, the more use you get out of your brain. The Brain Fitness program, from Channel 13, is this awesome media program that helps you learn how to use your brain better than you normally do. The doctor on the show says that to do the program, you just need access to a computer.
That means that even people who do not own computers can take part in this positive brain change program.
I have proof of the fact that brain-programming does change your thoughts, your actions and even your success or failures. A long while back I was using certain cassette tapes to program my brain to be positive. I was after a certain goal and my goal required I think certain things. I cooperated with the entire cassette program and I was able to reach all of my goals for that year. I remember the name of the program and it was called The Power of Winning and it was a Nightingale-Conant set of tapes. You can train your brain by using your own kind of brain-washing program. If you are looking for one, try The Power of Winning and you will surely succeed at all of your goals.
So how often do you use your brain or exercise it? Do you sit in one chair all day and look out the window? That is no kind of brain-training. You need to be more active than that. Years ago, when my grandmother was alive, that is what she used to do. When she wasn't on the bus or in the house, she was training her brain to sit by the window and look out into the world. She never took a step outside. And that is what she did. When I arrived she would get off of the rocking chair and make some cake and tea for me. Sometimes she would cook potatoes. I enjoyed the time with her but I always wondered why she sat in the chair by the window. She did that instead of watching television, and she did that instead of reading a book and she did that instead of going for a walk outside. That was her life in her later years, just rocking by the window, even though, physically she was able to do so much more. She did more for me and more for others but she did not do for herself.
Sometimes I feel like that myself except that my rocking chair is the my camera. Sometimes I feel like I can do nothing except take pictures. Silly as this seems, I am like my grandmother, only my window on the world is not a real window but a camera. I watch the entire world go by as I click the camera and make beautiful pictures of everything that passes in front of me. I get joy from taking pictures and doing this makes me happy. So perhaps I now understand my grandmother, better, now that I understand my camera and me. So many times in my life I can do much for other people and do little for myself. There must be something in my brain that programs me to procrastinate in my own goals.
Perhaps my grandmother got great joy of sitting by the window in her rocking chair. Perhaps that was her own camera. She took the photographs with her brain and with her eyes and had them in her memory forever. Perhaps that is why she rocked and rocked.
Sometimes when people feel overwhelmed or helpless about certain situations, they prefer to observe rather than be more active in their lives. And that quietness, that solitude, that separation that they have from others is what gives them joy because in that solitude, there is no commotion, no arguments, and no stress. After all how stressed can you be if you are just rocking in a chair? How stressed can you be if you are just taking photographs of your life?
I am me. And though I am like my grandmother, I am not her. I cannot begin to wonder how to figure her out, and I really cannot begin to think that I know why she sat and rocked. Perhaps she had her own reasons for doing that. Perhaps her rocking gave her joy the way a golfer gets joy from hitting a silly small ball with a metal stick. Perhaps it was the bird by the window that brought her great joy. I have been there myself so many times. I stayed at the window just to watch the birds go by. I listened to their songs. I watched their beautiful flight.
Birds are beautiful. And though the years have passed since I last saw her sitting at the rocking chair, I do remember her and her face. When I came in the room she smiled. And that was what was important. I like making people smile. So, my brain tells me something more about myself as I wonder about the brain fitness program that was offered on Channel 13. Yes, my brain is fit enough, with enough thoughts and training and practice to last a lifetime. I can sit here with one single thought, that the brain program looks excellent, and go from that to another thought and another and another until I am thinking about something so unrelated to brain fitness, that it isn't even funny.
Wow. As I sit here typing this, the Hang On Sloopy song came on; it's an oldies music show on Channel 13. "Sloopy I don't care what your daddy do. Cause you know Sloopy Girl, I'm in love with you. Hang on Sloopy, Sloopy hang on!' Interesting song, interesting period of music. So, there you go, now you see how a blog might be a little different than an article. In this article, I have written a little in blog style. I began with a few thoughts, a few facts and drifted off into a memory or two. Got a little sentimental and a little disorganized but kept on writing. Yet, everything that I wrote here is exactly what I wanted to write and it all fits in with the exercise your brain program. For a few moments, I allowed my brain to rest, to be at parade rest! Just for a few minutes, a few minutes of memories and a few minutes of Hang On Sloopy, wrap it all together, and head towards the end of the article about brain programming. Oh, no, smiling here, laughing here, now, my brain and I are are such a sentimental pair. Never My Love, a song from the sixties, a time when some music was slow and some lyrics could be understood by almost everyone. Never My Love, "you say you' feel I'll change my mind, Never my love, never my love. How can you think love will end when I've asked you to spend your whole life with me? " -- sentimental lyrics from a sentimental song. Wow, what a difference from the songs that we sing and hear today. Today, you would be sentimentally singing, "Because of you" by Kelly Clarkson. So there you go, a little blogging, a few memories, a few songs and this is my complete article on brain training.
Train your brain today, but train it positively . Add everything positive inside your brain and keep your face smiling. Yes, you can cry if you need to, but always have a smile in your heart. When you keep the smile inside your heart, you will always be able to bring that joy forward. Remember the song, Don't Worry, Be Happy ? So take that advice. Don't worry, be happy. You can be as young or as old as you want to be. And if you want to be younger, start by making your heart smile. You are as young as you think you are. So what are you going to think today? That is up to you. Your future is up to you. Everything you do is up to you, so whatever you do, do it with a positive attitude and you can never go wrong.
The author of this article has had many works published in the USA. She has traveled extensively throughout the East Coast and through the South while observing people and writing about life and everything that is in it. You can reach the author by sending a private or public message through this website:
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Don't Smoke, No Retirement, Cold-showers - Secrets to Receiving Your 100th
I can't remember having met anyone who lived to their 100th birthday, although I know it happens. My wife and I joke that we're going to live to 102 and 100 and die together, after both receiving our 100th birthday gifts from our kids. What are our odds and how do we make it there?
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, today, more than 70,000 Americans are 100 years old, and that number will grow dramatically during the next century. Unless I'm off on my math, that's about 1 in every 5,000 Americans. So the American centenarian is a rare, but a growing part of the population.
Because our goal is to age this well, I've done a little research on centenarians who've made it their 100th birthday. My wife and I have decided against holding their secrets to ourselves, because we'll want some folks our age to hold a dance with for our 100th birthday party. So, without further adieu, we reveal the fountain of youth.
Don't Drink or Smoke
The "New England Centenarian Study" by Thomas Perls M.D., M.P.H. examines people age 100 and above in order to help everyone else learn how to age well. Most important is to avoid smoking, eat well, and exercise. As Mormons, this part didn't bother us too bad, but we have some friends who might drop out of the centenarian race just for their favorite unhealthy habits. "Who wants to go to your party without smoking and drinking anyway?" They'd probably say.
Dr. Perls has created a calculator on that estimates your life expectancy. I took the test and it told me I'm only going to make it to 90 years. Dang it. Here's what I'm going to have to fix:
Move my exercise from 3 to 6 times per week (will give me 5 years).
Start going to the Doctor for checkups (will give me 2 years).
Reduce my stress level and the hours I work every week (3 years).
Those changes will get me there, but I wonder about number three. Some sage centenarians have hinted otherwise.
No Retirement
Richard Bird, an attorney in Utah, says, "My feeling is that people who stop working die...this (coming daily to the office) keeps me interested, it keeps me alive, and that's why I continue to do it." (see Deseret Morning News, April 13, 2007). I tend to agree with Bird, the thought of retirement sounds boring and unfulfilled. I'm going to keep on working and serving until I receive my 100th birthday gift.
NPR tells the story of the 100 year old on Wallstreet, Irving Kahn. He rang the New York Stock Exchange bell on his hundredth birthday and still serves as chairman of an investment management firm. I think he'd side with Richard Bird and with me, rather than with Dr. Perls.
My last piece of advice, by far the most humorous, comes from Edward Rondthaler, who writes a weekly column for his local newspaper, walks a half-mile every morning and drives himself on errands around his hometown of Croton-on-Hudson, New York (CNN, November 16, 2005). Rondthaler recounts, "When my brother in 1918 came home from the army, he said, 'Ed, whenever you take a hot shower, end it with an ice cold one and count to 100.' When your older brother tells you to do something, you do it...I've learned to count pretty fast. It gets you out of the tub quickly."
There you have it folks, the secrets to attending our dance party and joining us in opening our 100th birthday gift. Don't smoke or drink, keep working and living and take cold showers. We hope to see you there.
Learn more about a great 100th birthday gift at or by visiting:
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FamilyLearn helps you strengthen and unify your family by inspiring and enabling you to preserve, search, share, and learn from life's stories. Learn more at
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Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Anti-ageing Treatment
A skin care system that will help you to tone and moisturize or get rid of breakouts is relatively easy to find, but what if you're looking for an anti-ageing skin care product? If you need a skin care system that will fight the effects of ageing, read on to find out how you can look young and vibrant every day.
Before you begin searching for skin care products, you should take some steps to improve your health, so that the skin treatment you choose will be more effective. Be sure to drink plenty of water in order to soothe and hydrate the skin--this will help you to reduce the amount of wrinkles that will appear as a result of ageing, and will give your skin the elasticity it needs to keep you feeling young. Foods that are rich in protein and calcium are also great for the skin; be sure to eat lots of fish (it's rich in protein and omega-3 fatty acids) as well as green leafy vegetables, as it will help the skin to shed itself of dead skin cells easier.
When you're looking for anti-ageing skin care products, you may also want to select products that serve as adult acne treatment. In many cases, adult acne causes scars and blemishes that can age the face if not treated properly, so the skin care products you choose should fight wrinkles, age lines, and breakouts. Products that are used to treat oily skin care are also important when you're fighting the effects of ageing--studies have shown that individuals with dry skin tend to get wrinkles quicker, so if you find anti-ageing skin care treatments that treat dry skin and give it moisture, or products that cleanse oily skin without taking its natural moisture away, you will give your skin the healthy glow it needs to stay smooth and supple.
You may also want to consider mild surgical procedures, such as Botox or laser acne treatment. While these treatments are not for everyone, they may give you the quick results you are looking for, especially if you have damaged skin due to the sun or frequent breakouts. Laser acne treatment will help with acne scars and keep new blackheads and whiteheads from forming, but you may have to undergo a few treatments before you really see results.
Whether you're using diet, skin care products, or surgical procedures for anti-ageing, it's best to create a list of skin care tips of your own that is just for you--everyone's skin is different, and you'll need to find a diet and skin care regimen that is perfect for your skin. Remember that proper rest and reduced stress are also great ways to stop the skin from ageing prematurely, so be sure to get enough sleep and take time to meditate each day. This, along with quality anti-ageing skin care products, will help you to age gracefully every day.
Min Zhu is an author, mother, and a fighter for looking younger.
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Anti Aging - The Effects of Aging and How to Counteract Them
It's no secret that the older we get the more our bodies break down and need a little extra tender loving care. Finding out the effects of aging is the first step in learning how to remain physiologically young even when our chronological age begins to advance.
It is true that age is just a number, as you can remain young and vibrant throughout your life if you take good care of yourself and take proper precautionary steps. All the things your mother told you and that seem like plain common sense are really the things that you should be doing to maintain good health.
Internal Aging
The obvious signs of aging are wrinkles and lines that start to appear where once your skin was smooth and taut. However much more serious effects of aging are taking place on the inside of your body. One of the tell tale effects of aging is a loss of strength. Your loss of strength manifests itself in small ways that you may not notice or take too seriously.
Suddenly you can't open that jar or you find yourself getting tired when you try and do the same things you always do. These are signs that the body is slowing down on the inside. One of the effects of aging is a loss of muscle tone. Your muscles shrink the older you get and the number of muscle fibers as well as the size of those fibers begins to lessen and shrink.
Your bones also suffer the effects of aging, mineral content in your bones decrease and your bones become less dense and you are more susceptible to factures and breaks as a result. The loss of bone mass, another sign of aging, also known, as osteoporosis is usually associated with women but it can happen in both men and women.
Exercise is the Way to Go
Exercise is the best way to counteract the effects of aging. A lifestyle that does not include exercise will contribute to loss of muscle mass and increase lethargy. Exercising regularly and including weight training and light resistance into your daily exercise routine is a good way to prevent muscle loss as well as heart disease, high blood pressure and some types of cancer. You don't have to be running marathons to combat the effects of aging.
Simply exercising moderately for about 30 minutes everyday can make a huge difference to your health. Incorporate exercise into your daily life rather than set aside a specific time to exercise. Break the 30 minutes up into three ten-minute walks whether to the grocery store or some time in the garden. Swimming and cycling are also good exercises that don't put pressure on the joints while giving you a good cardiovascular workout.
Steven Lin is a contributing Editor for anti aging Find out which aging-beauty products, treatments & solutions will continue to be beautiful at any age. Our site is dedicated to providing information about aging well options so you can continue to look as young as you feel, if want to more information, please visit The Effects of Aging.
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Anti-Aging Fear of Aging - It Doesn't Have To Be Like That!
The fear of aging affects every individual at one point or another. Aging is change to your body and mind through the course of one person's lifespan. Most people have a negative perception of aging to the point it creates extreme anxiety in their lives and devalues the quality of their life. As one grows fear of aging may mean the loss of beauty, the loss of teeth, wrinkles, and the loss of bodily organs.
This is a transformation of the physical realm of reality of which society heavily focuses. Indeed, society helps to feed this anxiety toward aging. As we age society seems t0 desire us less and less and contributes to the fear of aging. We are no longer useful in the labor force. We are no longer attractive. We are hidden from society by being put into homes so the rest of us don't have to be reminded that one day we will be in this very position and in fact it is inevitable.
Making the Process More Enjoyable
Consequently we feel powerless to this undesirable process. The fashion, cosmetic and plastic surgery industries are having a hay day over our anxieties and fear of aging. In fact, they feed our fears because after all it is in their economic interest to keep us fearing and buying their products and services in this vain believe that we will somehow avoid impending death.
However, there is more than one way to look at aging. In fact, the word has many negative connotations that come along with it. According to Buddha, in order to avoid suffering and pain we must detach from our physical reality and perceive it only as a temporary illusion. By doing so we release ourselves from fear and suffering. We decide to live in the moment and be grateful for good or bad and this includes the deterioration of the body.
In addition, our preoccupation with the loss of our youth prevents us from welcoming the changes and mystery the journey ahead presents. However, one can make a radical shift towards embracing the gifts of aging. There are other ways to deal with aging in order to create a positive, wonderful learning process.
As we grow older it is important we cultivate our relationships even more. We need to keep in contact with someone close through thick and thin and subsequently our relationships will be based on deeper factors rather than just the way someone looks.
Become aware of your spirit and develop spirituality when through prayer, meditation, or Yoga. We all need to feel the inner sense of our innate divinity.Lastly, make a difference in your world by doing something for people who need your help. All over the world, love and help is needed and by helping the animals, people or the earth we can tap into our inner power and let our true beauty shine at any age rather than focusing on the fear of aging.
Steven Lin is a contributing Editor for anti aging Find out which aging-beauty products, treatments & solutions will continue to be beautiful at any age. Our site is dedicated to providing information about aging well options so you can continue to look as young as you feel, if want to more information, please visit Fear of Aging.
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Why Botox May Not Be Good For You
In a world so obsessed with beauty and youth, millions of men and women across the globe are willing to sacrifice their life just to have wrinkle-free skin and youthful-looking face. One treatment that has been perceived by many as totally safe and free from adverse effects is Botox. In fact, over 3.8 million injections of this drug have been performed in the US in 2005 according to figures from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.
However, many organizations, including consumer watchdog group Public Citizen have been studying the ill effects of this treatment. Numbers compiled from Food and Drug Administration from 1997-2006 showed that there have already been 16 deaths, 180 life-threatening complications, and 87 hospitalizations linked to Botox injections.
Here are the other compelling reasons why you should stay away from this anti-wrinkle treatment:
1. Side Effects
Did you know that this drug is actually a neurotoxin made from poison? This ingredient is actually created from a family of toxins that causes lethal food poisoning. Botox works by paralyzing facial muscles so that wrinkles will be less visible. Just imagine what will happen if the toxin travels to other parts of your body.
Side effects of Botox include severe headache, nausea, facial pain, respiratory infection, droopy eyebrows or eyelids, double vision, and even ulceration of the cornea, and even death. Some transient effects, which usually last for a couple of days up to two weeks, include loss of facial expression, drooling, inability to swallow, asymmetrical facial proportions, and reversible nerve paralysis.
2. Targets Only One Problem
Unlike using facial creams or even cosmetic surgery, the problem with Botox is that it only targets wrinkles and nothing else. You can have as many injections as you want, but you still will have to take care of other signs of aging - skin discoloration, brown spots, large pores, etc.
3. Price
It is true that Botox injections are far cheaper than having plastic or cosmetic surgeries. However, this is not the cheapest alternative because one injection can fetch a couple of hundred dollars. Let us face it; many will need more than one injection for a totally wrinkle-free face. Moreover, one treatment is only effective for a couple of months so you need to go back to the doctor and have more injections.
4. May Cause More Wrinkles
Botox is actually a plaster solution to your wrinkle woes because it is temporary and it does not address the underlying causes of your skin problem. Taking these injections are like sticking a gum on a leaking pipe. The gum might stop the leaking for a while, but it will not hold and might cause more trouble in the future.
Many doctors believe that Botox can potentially cause more wrinkles instead of minimizing them. The site of the injection actually can become more problematic and wrinkled after undergoing several treatments.
5. Adverse Reactions To Certain Drugs
Since you are injecting a foreign substance into your system every time you have Botox injections, there is a chance that it may interact with the medications, and even supplements, that you are taking. If you are suffering from serious conditions and need your pills to maintain your health, then it is unwise to take Botox injections.
There are actually many ways for you to avert aging and minimize the formation of wrinkles. Simply applying sunscreen every time you go out of your house can help a lot in preventing fine lines. Drinking a lot of water can help moisturize your skin from within. And using topical anti-wrinkle creams and lotions, such as Dermaxin, is also an effective and cost-efficient way to beat your wrinkle blues. To know more about this product, simply visit
Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine
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Wrinkle Cream Reviews - Delay the Process of Aging
Thanks to the growing popularity of wrinkle creams, more and more cosmetic companies are venturing into the Skin care Industry. This might sound incredible, but it has some disadvantages too. The availability of a large number of brands of cosmetics has made it complicated for a woman to find the so called 'best' anti aging skin care product.
A wrinkled skin is something that no one would like to flaunt. When a face, which in its youth would make heads turn on account of its flawlessness and beauty, develops fine lines, it is time to start using an anti aging skin care product. Aging gradually destroys the texture of our skin.
Prevention is definitely better than cure. Skin care experts warn that excessive exposure to the ultraviolet rays of the sun as well as to pollution can accelerate the onset of wrinkles. People who opt for balanced diet are less prone to wrinkles.
Anti-oxidants are essential for our skin. There are many fruits which are rich in anti-oxidants. Consuming such fruits can also delay the onset of wrinkles. Wrinkle Cream Reviews contain much needed information about such fruits and vegetables that help fight wrinkles.
Some vitamins like Vitamin E and Vitamin B5 are found to have anti-wrinkle properties. Anti-wrinkle creams which contain these vitamins are effective in arresting the effects of aging to some extent. Though a permanent cure for wrinkles has not been found yet, there are many anti aging skin care products which definitely control the development of wrinkles.
The production of the skin-protein called "Collagen" decreases as a person grows old. That is why it is important that we replenish our skin with "Collagen" on a regular basis. So if you are looking for a good anti wrinkle cream, make sure that is has "Collagen" in it.
Wrinkle Cream Reviews serve the purpose of helping you find the best anti aging wrinkle cream. There are zillions of anti aging skin care products available today. Isn't it then an arduous task to find the best anti aging wrinkle cream?
For finding the best wrinkle cream, you must start reading Wrinkle Cream Reviews. There are many people in the world who share their personal experiences with wrinkle creams using the Internet as a platform. You can search for reviews on the Internet if you want to answer the question- which is the best wrinkle cream?
Geoff Hopkins has worked in the anti wrinkle cream industry for years. He maintains websites about anti wrinkle cream and Lifecell skin care. If you want to contact him, you can use the contact for at one of his sites.
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The Best Wrinkle Creams - How Do They Work?
Are you looking for a wrinkle cream that works? Then you're in for a real surprise because there has been some discoveries recently that's made it possible for some breakthrough wrinkle creams to be created. Wrinkle creams that work, and do so in minutes.
Why have these wrinkle creams made the headlines recently? Well, it's because of their results.
See, the best wrinkle creams that work, work very well, and it's because of these effects that they have on wrinkles and signs of skin aging. Let's go through them now.
Effect 1
The wrinkle creams that have been recently discovered reverses wrinkles in minutes, before your very eyes.
How's this possible? Well, there are 2 main ways these breakthrough creams do this.
Firstly, one of these wrinkle creams provide natural botanical oils that are known to plump up and reverse wrinkles in just minutes. But not only this, the cream also gives your skin a lift - a very important effect to make you look younger, but we'll get to this in a minute.
The other way the best wrinkle creams makes wrinkles invisible is by providing microscopic 3D crystals that reflect light to make wrinkles invisible to the eye. The eye sees a wrinkle because of its shadow, and so when the shadow disappears, so does the wrinkle.
Hollywood actors use this effect before they go onto the red carpet at the Oscars!
Effect 2
The best wrinkle cream gives your skin a "lift".
This effect is a real secret to the wrinkle creams that work, and makes you look about 15 years younger.
This is why so many women and men have found these anti aging creams work so well, because of this effect alone. But these anti wrinkle creams both reverse wrinkles and lift your skin, and these 2 effects together are very impressive - to say the least!
If you want to look younger, then you've got to have this effect in your anti aging cream.
Effect 3
These top wrinkle creams provide antioxidants that protect your skin from the aging process.
If you've got these powerful antioxidants, your skin is protected from 'free radicals', which means that your skin is protected from stress and the environment, and the aging process in your skin is slowed down.
This is something that the best wrinkle cream products do, so that you'll look younger than your age, at whatever age you are. There have even been some studies to show that past damage and scarring from acne and other causes are reduced by these wrinkle creams.
And this is something that no cosmetic procedure or plastic surgery can ever give you.
So there you have it.
You now know how the breakthrough wrinkle cream products work, and why they've had so many women swear by them. The best wrinkle cream products reverse wrinkles immediately, gives your skin a "lift" and gives your skin antioxidants to slow the aging process.
This instant reversal of wrinkles is an incredible experience, as you literally see yourself looking years younger before your eyes.
It's an awesome feeling, so go and use the wrinkle creams that work, and enjoy looking years and decades younger right away.
Want the best wrinkle cream that works? Then see the best wrinkle cream that gives results in minutes, at Marcus Ryan's review site See how these breakthrough wrinkle creams work, plus get them as free trials to see the results before your very eyes! It's a great feeling to look see yourself looking younger, so go ahead, and look 10-20 years younger right away.
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Anti Aging - Genetic Treatments To Slow Aging
One of the most dynamic aspects of genetic research is the quest to create genetic treatments to slow aging. The definitive goal in the engineering of genetic treatments to slow aging is to understand aging in human beings. Much of the studies for human genetics are not only conducted on human beings but also on replica organisms such as the fly, worm, rodents and yeast to find genetic variations that affect aging.
According to Geneticists, at birth human beings are endowed with 30,000 active genes. As we age these genes slowly become inactive resulting in a slowing down of bodily functions such as a reduced immunity, slower metabolism, loss of energy and weakened eyesight.
Genetic treatments to slow aging experiments have been conducted that can live six times their usual span. Geneticists claim they may have tapped into one of the most fundamental factors that which controls the rate at which people age.
The genetic treatments to slow aging tests were conducted on single-celled organisms, forcing them into as geneticists claim an "extreme survival mode". Rather than growing quickly and showing signs of aging the organisms became pliant to damage and were better able to repair the genetic defects that build up with age, often leading to cancer in later life.
Scientists believe that drastically cutting calories triggers a switch in an organism's behavior to a state of starvation and subsequently growth and ageing are put on hold at the expense of reproductive ability until more food is available. Scientists are now trying to copy the effect by manipulating the gene pool in the hope of developing anti-ageing treatments that work without having to cut food intake.
According to the study, genetic treatments to slow aging experiments with animals are likely to continue for the next decade before tests in humans will begin. If the same genetic apparatus exist in humans, researches believe it could lead to drugs that suppress aging, particularly after people have had families. In addition, scientists at Stanford have claim that they can reverse the aging of skin in mice, making it look at act like new.
Researches claim that the genome has amazing plasticity and when you understand the logic of the cells it may be possible to reprogram them to reverse the aging process. However, researches go further to say that their discoveries do not translate directly to humans.
Last year in the United States, youth crazed human beings spent five point eight billion dollars on skincare products. This demonstrates that they are not afraid of taking risks to find the ultimate genetic treatment to slow aging down even if it has been clinically or scientifically unproven.
Steven Lin is a contributing Editor for anti aging Find out which aging-beauty products, treatments & solutions will continue to be beautiful at any age. Our site is dedicated to providing information bout aging well options so you can continue to look as young as you feel, if want to more information, please visit Genetic Treatments to Slow Aging.
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Aging Causes & Workarounds
Women worldwide fear the thought of having to put up with the signs of aging upon entering their later years. What many don't realize is that there are simple things one can do to minimize if not outright prevent the unsightly signs of aging.
Aging (as research has indicated) comes in two distinct flavors - intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic aging refers to aging brought about as a result of heredity. Since this type of aging depends on our genes, it is often difficult to prevent.
Extrinsic aging is aging brought about by external factors. Such external factors could include sun exposure, tendency to perform certain behaviors (such as squinting), etc. Extrinsic aging, unlike intrinsic aging, can be prevented with some effort on your part.
Now that we're up to speed on the two types of aging, let's look into what we can do to prevent the latter type. First, one should maintain a diet that is low and fat but high in carbohydrates. To achieve such a feat, we recommend eating plenty of fruits and grains while also consuming optimal amounts of water (5-8 glasses).
Second, exercise should be a top priority to a person looking to preserve their beauty. We suggest you organize an exercise routine which you can perform on a daily basis. Most experts agree that a thirty minute workout is more than enough for the average person.
Finally, one should look into taking the appropriate supplements to keep looking young. Among these supplements should be vitamin E, A, and C. If you'd like further information on supplements, we recommend talking to your nutritionist.
We encourage and support those who've just started battling the unsettling signs of aging. It is our hope that you put forth your best effort to combat aging!
Further information on eye wrinkle prevention with eye wrinkle cream is available on our website.
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Anti-Aging - Tips on Caring for Aging Parents
Do not feel alone if you are caring for your aging parents because you are one of 50 million Americans in the same boat. Whether they are staying with you or in another location, if you have the responsibility for their care, prepare yourself for a time consuming and emotional experience.
Tips for the Son or Daughter
Caring for your aging parents can be a very draining and exhausting ordeal. A support system between your brothers and/or sisters and friends will help lighten the load. Caring for aging parents is impossible to do on your own, especially if you work full time. You must come to the realization that at some point in time, one or both of your parents might have their normal thoughts, behavior, and attitudes changed radically by disease.
If this happens, caring for your parent can be like dealing with a complete stranger. For your own emotional and physical health, you will need an occasional break. Having your own parent not recognize you or think you are somebody else can come as a big shock to your system.
Tax Implications
Consulting with an accountant and/or attorney, if you are caring for aging parents, is time, energy, and money well spent. By making sure a will is drawn up and estate laws examined in detail, you will be free to give loving care for your aging parents. Depending on your circumstances, you may find that you can claim your parent as a tax deduction.
Taking Away the Car
This usually happens before the house is taken away. There are many things that have a negative effect on an older driver. Diminishing eyesight, physical handicaps, and mental disease can all make it very dangerous for these people to drive, both for their own safety and the safety of others. Very seldom does the parent voluntarily give up their car keys. Often times it is best just to make the car disappear over night.
Taking Away the House
Get ready for the battle of your lifetime when you determine, for their own safety, that your parents must be moved to a care facility. A home can be a very dangerous place for an older person who forgets things easily or has physical limitations. Falling down the stairs or leaving the stove burner on can have devastating effects.
You Are Not a Parent
While you are a care giver for your aging parents, you can never be a parent to your parent. The most that you can do is respond with love to their needs as they responded to your needs when you were young. Always remember that caring for your aging parents requires patience, patience, and more patience.
Steven Lin is a contributing Editor for anti aging Find out which aging-beauty products, treatments & solutions will continue to be beautiful at any age. Our site is dedicated to providing information about aging well options so you can continue to look as young as you feel, if want to more information, please visit Tips on Caring for Aging Parents.
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